Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hollywood's Most Memorable Movie Kisses of All Time

Takes a look at both contemporary and classic kisses that we continue to remember, including on screen embraces from Lady and the Tramp, The Notebook, Spiderman, Titanic, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Casablanca, Gone with the Wind and Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Art of Kissing, How to Kiss with Passion

How good can a kiss be? Can a Kisser be an artist? Is there something more important than technique? What is passion and how does passion relate to kissing? How can girls and boys become better kissers?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kissing Benefits!!

Kissing Benefits!! Making Out Workout, Good for Boy & Girls

Making out should not just be for teens. There are several health benefits associated with kissing! Making out for an hour a day could help you weight loss and mental health. Kissing can prevent wrinkles and help women have healthy sexy looking skin, boost your immune system and help prevent trips to the doctor and that's just the kissing, not sex. Plus, It's more fun than going to the gym.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pasiones traicioneras

We've all seen so many great kisses in the movies. It all looks so simple and seems to happen spontaneously. But hey, it's the movies –and it's scripted. Real life is much different.

It seems so easy. As your lips meet, keep them slightly parted and press gently against his lips. It's a good idea to tilt your head slightly to one side, so your noses won't get in the way.
Then what? Well if it's just a little kiss like a peck on the lips, move away slowly. Whatever you do, don't pull back suddenly. He may think you were disgusted by his kiss. Just move your head back slowly, perhaps keeping some body contact and look into his eyes. Don't laugh.

If he begins to move his head slightly towards yours, it's likely a sign he enjoyed the kiss and wants more. Then move your head towards his and let your lips meet again. This time it will likely be a much longer kiss. You can always bluff your way through a first kiss! He'll never know it's a first, unless you tell.

So what's hard about that, well read on ...

How to tell if he wants to kiss you!
If you've kissed him once, you will know that he wants to kiss you. But what if you have never kissed each other before? There is no doubt that the first kiss is the hardest. So what to do? Well you could come straight out (whoops did I say that) and ask him to kiss you. But that takes lots of courage and what if he says no? Unfortuanately (or maybe fortunately) we are not mind-readers.

First of all remember he is with you and not someone else so that means he enjoys spending time with you. When you are together does he sit close to you? Does he smile and look happy when you are together? Do the two of you get along fabulously? Does he look into your eyes? These are all signs that he likes you and might want to kiss you.

How to get him to kiss you
First of all try to remain calm. If you look nervous you might be sending out mixed signals. You might want him to kiss you but these signals may be saying "keep away". Keep your posture open towards him. Sit or stand close to him. Face him and look directly at him. Don't let your eyes wander elsewhere. Don't cross your arms or lean away. You might as well say "kiss off"!

Look into his eyes, get close, and smile. Try to hold his hand or get him to put his hands on you. Show him your ring and get him to hold your hand so he can get a better look. Or ask him to adjust your necklace or remove it. To do this he needs to put both hands on your neck. Tell him your neck is sore and he may offer to massage it.

Once you have made contact, turn your head a bit and look into his eyes and remain calm and quiet. If he says something just quietly interrupt and whisper his name softly. He won't be able to resist you and will kiss you for sure.

Kissing with glasses or braces
If either of you wears glasses, it's best to take them off before kissing. Otherwise they can get in the way. If either has braces, remember not to press too hard against this lips. The braces could easily dig themselves into the inside of the mouth. Not good!

If you both have braces, don't worry! With normal kissing your braces won't touch, so they can't get tangled up with each other! If you bang your teeth together, just laugh it off. Admit that you're so into kissing him that you're getting dizzy. He'll believe you.

Kissing passionately
The secret is "variety" Be gentle at times and then pick it up becoming a bit rough. Try teasing your partner with a little bite on the lips. Note we said "little". He'll think you are so excited you are out of control. It will make him want to eat you up. Hold your partner tightly and caress him. Play with his ear lobes and wrap your arms around his neck. Press your nose into his cheeks to rub them.

Kissing do's and don'ts
There is a no better way to ruin a perfect kiss than having bad breath. Carry around some mints or gum, and have one a few moments before you the expected kiss. Be sure to offer him one too. Avoid spicy foods, smoked meats, garlic and onions just before. Or at least make sure you're both eating spicy food, so neither will notice.

Non-smokers hate kissing a smoker! It is really a gross taste. Again use mints or refrain from smoking.

Even if you're nervous, don't giggle during or after you kiss. He won't understand it's nervous laughter and he'll think that you were laughing at him! A definite no-no.

Beware of boring kisses -keep the tempo varied. Whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Don't overdo the tongue thing, and keep caressing your lover.

Safe Kissing
Is there such a thing as safe kissing? Unfortunately no! You can catch anything from a cold to a sexually transmitted disease like herpes. The HIV virus has been found in the saliva of people with AIDS or who are HIV+. This means it could be transmitted by kissing someone who has the disease, especially if you have any cuts or open sores in your mouth. To be realistic, although saliva may contain the virus if the person is infected, it contains such a small quantity, it is almost impossible to become infected with the HIV virus. Still although the risk is very very small, it's not zero. If someone has a cold or the flu, wait until it's over before doing any kissing. If you see he's got sores on his mouth or lips, watch out! Also, if either of you have cuts in your mouth this increases your chance of passing on a variety of infections.

Kissing and s-e-x
Kissing can be a lot of fun. It does not mean that sex will follow. Just because you kiss a guy doesn't mean you have to do anything more.

Still if the kissing becomes very passionate, you might both feel like going further. To avoid having to do this, kiss in a semi-public place like a corner of the library or a dark movie theatre. This way you know that it won't lead to sex right then!

If you are on the sofa or on your bed and your parents are away, you might be tempted to go all the way when you really don't want to. Anyways this is your decision to make. But these suggestions do work and they have worked for me in the past.

How to kiss shyness goodbye
You want to kiss him but what if he says "no" and you end up feeling rejected? Perhaps he wants to kiss you but he is the shy one. Kissing games can help.

The reason "Spin the Bottle" and other kissing games are so popular is that they let you kiss someone without having to admit that you like the person you're kissing. You're kissing because you have to.
Kissing games are also a good way to try different ways of kissing. In "Spin the Bottle," a group of guys and/or girls sits in a circle, and take turns spinning a bottle. When the bottle stops spinning you kiss the person it's pointing to.

What is French kissing?
French kisses are kisses in which you also use your tongues. (That's why you part your lips slightly.) So, after you've started kissing, the next step is that either he will slip his tongue gently into your mouth or you'll slip yours into his. Don't jab around and don't let your tongue go limp but move it around his, or playfully push his tongue out with yours, then let him push your tongue back into your mouth, and so on. The secret is responsiveness. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you let your partner lead.

How to improve your kissing
There is an old saying that is very true here: "practice makes perfect". Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How To Kiss With Passion

Step 1: Clean your mouth
Brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash. Bad breath is the ruination of kissing. At the very least, have a mint.

Step 2: Sit w/ partner in private
Sit with your partner, preferably in private. Public displays of affection may be fun for you, but they make everyone else uncomfortable.

Step 3: Relax
Relax and clear your mind. Focus only on the person with you.

Angle your face to avoid crunching noses.

Step 4: Touch lips
Lean into the person until your lips touch.

Step 5: Be soft & gentle
Keep lip contact soft and gentle in the beginning.

Step 6: Experiment
Experiment with different movements and techniques. For instance, gently suck on your partner’s lower lip, or caress his lips lightly with your tongue.

Step 7: Use your tongue
Open your mouth enough to slowly slide your tongue into your partner’s mouth. If you get an enthusiastic response, start exploring the inside of each other’s mouth. Just remember to keep it slow and soft, not darting or invasive.

Don’t forget to breathe through your nose. Nothing ruins a good make-out like falling unconscious.

Step 8: Come up for air
As the make-out session intensifies, come up for air by kissing your partner’s face, ears, and neck, even giving them the occasional soft nip or gently tugging on their hair in the heat of the moment.

Truly passionate kissing has a sense of urgency, as if you’ve been waiting for this moment for so long that you can’t hold back.

Step 9: Use your hands
Use your hands: kissing is made complete by strokes and caresses. Try holding the person’s face as you kiss.

Step 10: Practice
Practice makes perfect.

The longest kiss in film history, lasting 3 minutes and 5 seconds, was between Jane Wyman and Regis Tommey in “You’re in the Army Now.”

Monday, August 24, 2009

How To Make Your First Kiss Memorable

Step 1: Choose wisely
Choose the recipient of your first kiss carefully. Ideally, you’d like it to be someone you might enjoy a nice romance with, not someone who’s going to make you feel bad right afterward by blowing you off.

Step 2: Flirt
Invest some time flirting with the object of your affection beforehand. If the person is interested in you, it will build sexual tension. And if they’re not, you’ll know it before you embarrass yourself by trying to kiss them.

Step 3: Just do it
Once you’re fairly certain that your kiss will be welcomed, just do it. There’s nothing that ruins a romantic moment more than a wimpy, “May I kiss you?”

Step 4: Proceed cautiously
Gauge how aggressive you should be by your partner’s response to you. If they’re holding back—their lips firmly planted shut, their hands rigidly by their side—proceed cautiously. But if they’re panting like a dog in August, bring on the tongue.

Step 5: Break up the action
Don’t remain lip-locked until the other person is bored or gasping for breath. Break up the action by nuzzling their neck, kissing their earlobes, or gently biting their lip.

Step 6: Check a mirror
When you’re done, check a mirror. You don’t want to spend the rest of the night with lipstick smeared all over your face.